Page name: Bush supporters Association [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-06-28 19:29:00
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Bush Supporters Association


This site is for all the people who support our president George W. Bush. If you disagree with the opinions on this page, please respect OUR opinions and keep your cool. This is NOT a place to get all mad and fight about politics; it is a place for polite discussion and debate.

If, however, you are here to flame us, we hope that you will simply refrain from harassing us. If you do actually insult us, you will be reported to the Elfpack Guards. And we WILL find out who you are. If you are any of the others above, please join! You are very welcome here.

The Rules

1. NO FLAMING. You know very well what this means.

2. Be nice, fights will not be tolerated, however civilized debate is welcome.

3. Please, no bad language. F words, B word, S word, etc. are definite no's. Crude language isn't permitted either.

4. People are allowed here that don't like Bush, as long as they follow the rules, so don't give them problems.

5. Well, not quite a rule, but it'd be nice if you watched the page and commented once in a while.


Buildings fell but a nation rose.-George W. Bush

Get your facts on how to defend Bush against Michael Moore's accusations here:

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*~* Become a member! -- add your name to the list below.

1. [Lioness123] (owner)
2. [DixieDarlin]
3. [¤jesus of suburbia¤]
4. [Prowler Wolf]
5. [Leelo]
6. [Hidden]
7. [NeverSummer16]
8. [Nameless]
9. [innocent0187]
12.[Durin Deathless]
15.[*Your Lady Of Sorrows*]
16.[Are you in?]
17. [Tesa]
18. [Allen Barrec]
21.[Lucky Strikes]
24.[dESTRUCTIVE hAPPINESS] I am so proud of this country and my president!
25. [blackroseashes]
26.[Mister Awesome]
27.[Chaos in paradise] George knows what he's doin
28.[The Darkness of your soul]
29.[Music of the Night]
32. [ythouse]
33. [lovecraft girl]
36.[Grotghash] Go Bush!
37.[Tyrant Calhoun] I respect him.
38.[Goodbye Fuckers!] W!
39.[to never return bye yall]
41.[mdl csl] Bush rocks my socks
42.[Iron-wulf] I like a pres whos got some balls!
42.[csl mdl] whoot!
43.[cxx******] BEST PRESIDENT EVER!!!
44.[- xX - Raychel Anne - Xx -] you can't get any better !!!!!!!
45.[taz24053] Best president so far
46.[SDEfSEfaerg dgr] A bit of Bush is always a good thing!!! (nothing suss)
47.[Deg] You've all said it already :D

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2004-11-16 [Hependipherous]: Not to mention that being so thin is unhealthy to the degree as to cause damage to your reproductive systems. It can make you sterile! Certainly obesity isn't attractive, but simply being 'overweight' is not a bad thing. I'm about as thin as a man my height can be. It's not fun to be thin. I would gain weight if I could. You think it's all great to be thin, no it isn't. It's no fun at all. There are certain perks... such as flexability... but you can be flexable and fat too. My younger brother is technically obese and he can still touch his nose to his knees. *shrugs*

2004-11-16 [Hependipherous]: Some may say my standards are simply low... but as far as I'm concerned only annorexia and obesity are "ugly". Underweight, normal, and overweight are all just fine. They're natural variations of the human form.

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: i don't care that you two personally like fat girls...what matters is i can't and haven't seen myself as atractive since i put on weight.

2004-11-16 [Hependipherous]: did we say we liked fat girls? I suppose the real difference is our definition of the term "fat". You certainly are not fat.

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: i am to

2004-11-16 [Hependipherous]: allright. Give me your weight and height.

2004-11-16 [Hependipherous]: if you don't mind people knowing.

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: i was 5'5'' and i'm 5'7'' and...130...and gross

2004-11-16 [Hependipherous]: wow... That's not much at all. That's nothing to worry about. Your a woman now, not a little girl. Those breasts and that butt aren't full of hellium. 93 isn't a goo weight for that height. You don't have anything to be complaining about. You should also know that when the "skinney" girls whine about being fat, it really pisses the fat girls off. *shrugs* There's nothing wrong with you. But if you're incapable of seeing that then there's not much I can do about it. *shrugs*

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: i an NOT SKINNY! and i may have a fat ass, but i have no boobs...that that bother's me even more than everything else..

2004-11-16 [Hependipherous]: You don't have to have a D cup to be considered a woman. :P The last girl I dated was just barely an A. Breasts aren't that big of a deal. I'm not going to try and fluff you up with compliments. I have a thing for suspecting people of accentuating their flaws to recieve compliments... so you get none. There is nothing wrong with you. Your breasts are fine, they are obviously there, and you are obviously a woman. Looks are superficial, they aren't something that needs to be worried about to this degree. You do not have to look like those annorexic coke whores to be beautiful. Nor do you have to have massive breasts to be beautiful either. @.@

2004-11-16 [RabidSphinx]: that is not how i see it

2004-11-16 [Hependipherous]: Then you're simply going to have to be miserable about your body for the rest of your life. No matter what you change, how much weight you loose, or how much larger your breasts become/are made, it will never be enough. Life is too short to be so hung up on this kind of thing.

2004-11-16 [*_*]: hi all

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: hey, the guards are busting down...we can't use the banner for this wiki because it has a picture of Bush on it...we need a new banner we can display in out houses. an non-bush bush wiki until then, the guards have *demandes* that all of us with the current banner in our houses, take them down..

2004-11-17 [Are you in?]: why cant we use bush, its a god given bush wiki

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: we cannot have images of "celebrities" in our houses...Bush is considered a celeb, so we cannot post *any* images of him in our houses...they are allowed on this wiki, but for the banner(s) we can post in our houses we can't have his image on it. this isn't my rule, it's the Uploading Art Rules...i got yelled at for it, got in a big fight, and was told to leave the site...they told me to tell you all that you *have* to take your bush banners down out of your house and make a new one if you want to have a banner in your house to show your support for Bush...(i think this is BULLSHIT but i have no say in the matter)

2004-11-17 [*_*]: what go see in et the bush haters thingy thay can why not us grrr

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: well, *no one* can....but i am a member of *this* wiki, so when i was singled out, and had my profile stripped, i was told to tell you all to take your banners down too...this site is can actually post porn on here, but not a tasteful picture of the president to show your that not fucked up to anyone else?

2004-11-17 [Prowler Wolf]: WHAT THE CRAP!!!! that is bull cockie!!! damn liberal based website!! look in bush haters, they have pics of bush...this is crap, its been up for HOW many months, they should have told us upfront instead of waiting till the whinny bush haters came crying about how 'offensive' it is to have bush up. If kerry would have won, THEN it would be diffrent...gawww, this is crap

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: they took down all my stuff, other images to them about getting the anti-bush people to take their stuff down...i think it's crap too...we should be allowed to honor our president in our houses...i may not like the ant-bush things, but it's their right to not support to the crew about them taking their images down if we have to take ours down...i would but i have already been thretaned to be thrown off the rudy site

2004-11-17 [Prowler Wolf]: i think we all anyone else with us? if we get enough people out message would be better defined

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: i am not allowed to message sadly enough...they already threatened to kick me off...but you all should...tell them that everyone has to follow the rules, or none of us will

2004-11-17 [*_*]: ok so what the hell is the mater with bush i think we shouled let heism stay in elftown the bush haters have a pic of him up why not us

2004-11-17 [RabidSphinx]: they, along with us, are not supposed to have any images of "celebrities" in our houses...Bush, according to Elfpack, is a clelebrity, so we cannot have him on our banners

2004-11-18 [Are you in?]: i thoguht elftpack was funner

2004-11-18 [Lioness123]: dang, I've missed alot....

2004-11-18 [Lioness123]: whats this I hear about the guards cracking down?? This is ELFPACK. They're supposed to be more lenient here

2004-11-18 [RabidSphinx]: they are leaniant about nudity are allowed have porn here, but the other rules from Elftown still aply

2004-11-18 [Lioness123]: fuck, damn it. pardon my french.

2004-11-18 [Lioness123]: ok, expect a new badge here sometime soon then.

2004-11-18 [RabidSphinx]: thank you...and talk to the uploading art rules people...we are all complaining to them...

2004-11-18 [*_*]: goood keep it up

2004-11-18 [Prowler Wolf]: so basically this site was created for horny people who got kicked off elftown

2004-11-18 [RabidSphinx]: are allowed nudity, as long as it isn't in sexually suggestive poses...other than that, the same rules of ET still apply....isn't this fun? we can't have a picture of out President, but we can have a massive picture of a girls pussy! yay!...(sarcastic) the crew here are assholes

2004-11-18 [Prowler Wolf]: umm, yeah, i already have seen "sexually suggestive poses" on MANY peoples houses. there was one of a naked woman with her bf hovering over her 'feeling' her...but thats not suggestive at ALL nooooo, plus, a pucture of Geroge Bush, the PRESIDENT is more sever than that

2004-11-18 [RabidSphinx]: i have seen girls spread egal and showing their pussy, one guy actually in the middle of sex with what i assume to be his gf, i have seen girls making out with eachother in showers...yeah....., Mr. President shouldn't be allowed...that would be wrong, but naked people doing explicit things on a site with memberes as young as 12, whoot! why not? (sarcastic again)

2004-11-18 [Prowler Wolf]: oh yes!! i COMPLETELY agree *note the sarcasum* whats this world coming to?

2004-11-19 [*_*]: ?

2004-11-19 [Lioness123]: lets all go and file a complaint to the guards together or something

2004-11-19 [*_*]: ya thats sounds good then thay can kik all of us out

2004-11-19 [Prowler Wolf]: i had a horrable day, i feel like shit

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: aww...*hugs* i skipped school...

2004-11-19 [Prowler Wolf]: i was looking foreward to his lunch with me dad, and some shit for brains went and skrewed it all up, on top of that i have chest pains that are sharp and spreading all over my chest, and my little brother jsut went to the ER b/c he smashed his face into the fireplace and knocked out his front teeth...hes not going to have any untill the permanents come in, in about 5-7 years

2004-11-19 [RabidSphinx]: sometimes they put the teeth back in...but yah, that sucks...when i lost my teeth i lost my front 4 bottom teeth all at once, then as those were barely coming in i lost all 4 top front teeth...that really sucked...i couldn't eat anything because i couldn't bite...i had to bite with my molers and it was hard...i looked sooo funny...(^_^)

2004-11-19 [Prowler Wolf]: haha, i know the feeling, i naturally am missing teeth, so i have a "straw hole" in my mouth. haha, they can't put the teeth back in, the surgery was expensive, it wasen't gaurenteed to work, it was stressful for the doctor and the baby, and the parents of teh recovering just wasen't worth it, doc said they would just fall out again

2004-11-20 [Lioness123]: good lord, that sounds terrible

2004-11-20 [*_*]: ya it dose

2004-11-20 [Prowler Wolf]: AHHH he knocked out 4 teeth. not just two, gawwww, he's gonna look like such a hick

2004-11-20 [*_*]: who

2004-11-21 [Prowler Wolf]: my bro...86 that last comment...he only knocked 2 out *few*

2004-11-21 [RabidSphinx]: lol...well, he'll live...and it will be a fun story to tell his friends in school as he grows up

2004-11-21 [*_*]: lol ya it well

2004-11-22 [Prowler Wolf]: hehe, i have a missing tooth and its fun to toy with ppl about it!!!

2004-11-23 [Lioness123]: I hate it if I ever lost a permenent tooth...I have dreams every now and then that my teeht are falling out and they freak me out. I think they mean that I have a fear of getting old

2004-11-23 [Hependipherous]: dreams of your teeth falling out are generally caused by stress, anxiety, and/or depression. It's a fairly common and universal archetype.

2004-11-23 [Lioness123]: lol, you ever have those dreams that there's something scary after you and you're trying to run away, but its like you're running in water or your legs won't move?

2004-11-23 [Hependipherous]: I've had all of 'em. Chances are, if it can show up in the human subconsious, I've had it show up. Not to mention that several things that shouldn't be happening in dreams, usually do for me. I break all the rules.

2004-11-23 [Prowler Wolf]: I had the freakiest dream about my teeth falling out...but i do have a permanent missing...bottom front

2004-11-23 [RabidSphinx]: i hate dreams...i don't sleep

2004-11-23 [*_*]: awww sorry

2004-11-23 [Allen Barrec]: Man, I came into this conversation at a very weird time. First ya'll are talking about missing teeth, and now the human subconscious. Which is oddly enough still tied into the loosing of teeth.  o.O

2004-11-23 [Hependipherous]: The mind is a tangled web of associations. Everything has a relationship to everything else. Thusly a convorsation can easily run off on wild tangents when speaking with someone who is learned and thusly has built up massive amounts of aforementioned associations. LOL :P

2004-11-23 [RabidSphinx]: i do that...walking home from school i went from thinging about my project due tomorrow, to the television show Roseanne, then to tigers, with a lot inbetween...i back tracked to see how the hell i got to tigers and it was most thoughts frighten me sometimes

2004-11-24 [*_*]: so whats up ok what are we going to do about the pic let me see k

2004-11-24 [Prowler Wolf]: k

2004-11-24 [Lioness123]: the Elfpack uploading art rule for celebrities and copyrighted material has been removed! Therefore, the original banner stays.

2004-11-24 [RabidSphinx]: *bounces up and down on balls of feet* it changed because i bitched at them for a week sraight about it

2004-11-24 [Lioness123]: rainedrop, they removed my funny pics in my homepage!! AFTER that copyright rule was removed!

2004-11-24 [RabidSphinx]: bitches...well, if you got them from, say a spacific website or something, i think you have to give a link or credit to the artists. and you should up load some of those pictures to Are You Strange? because i loaded some there...i love that wiki

2004-11-24 [*_*]: o ya its kool lost the net for like an houre or two

2004-11-25 [Lioness123]: raine, thats a cool site! I'm a new member! :)

2004-11-25 [RabidSphinx]: what site? *looks around* the VFs site? or the are you strange wiki?

2004-11-25 [RabidSphinx]: ah, yes....i love that wiki...hehe...i submitted all sorts of *strange* things...hehehe, and i made myself a bannar because i didn't like any of the ones they had up

2004-11-26 [Prowler Wolf]: I'm checking it out!!!

2004-12-05 [Ellyn]: Does the owner of this Wiki mind if I join?

2004-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: to any right-winged nut jobs out there...(^_^)

2004-12-05 [Prowler Wolf]: i'm sad, and there is no one to talk to

2004-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: *huffs* gee...thanks wolfboy....*pouts*

2004-12-05 [Prowler Wolf]: oh, sorry, didn't realize you were on...someone died at school yesterday...its sad

2004-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: aww...what happened? did they die *at* school...or did someone you went to school with die...?

2004-12-05 [Prowler Wolf]: Someone died at school..he was ony about 15-16 years old...

2004-12-05 [Hependipherous]: died from what? Surely they didn't just keel over. o_o

2004-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: yes, he died while at school, was her a very ill young man?

2004-12-05 [Prowler Wolf]: he has a seizure and went into cardiac arrest, they revived him at one point and got him on an ambulance, but he never made it tothe hospital

2004-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: oh, i'm sorry. my brother has seizures too. they are not fun to wittness

2004-12-05 [Hependipherous]: Wow, that bites. Fear not death, fear that you never have lived. That would be a death to fear, he's doubly dead in that he died young, by death and by lack of life. I believe Poe wrote something similar when refering to his late wife. *shrugs* it's been so long since I've read Poe.

2004-12-05 [Prowler Wolf]: its sad non the less, i fell sooo sad for his family, no parent should have to bury their child

2004-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: sadly it happenes all to offten. i have seen too many.

2004-12-05 [*_*]:

bush ^_^

2004-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: way for a subject change [*_*]....

2004-12-05 [*_*]: thxs

2004-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: i want's commending you...i was annoyed...if you are not part of a conversation, it is rude to innterupt it....

2004-12-06 [*_*]: we sorry

2004-12-16 [RabidSphinx]: hello everyone...this wiki is quiet...*echo echo echo!*

2004-12-16 [Lioness123]: hey raine

2004-12-16 [*_*]: ya i know whats up with that

2004-12-16 [rocker_reject]: *cricket churps

2004-12-16 [*_*]: lol

2004-12-16 [rocker_reject]: hehehe *laughs

2004-12-16 [*_*]: so whatsnew

2004-12-16 [rocker_reject]: nuthin here. so bored!

2004-12-16 [*_*]: me to noo sont like work

2004-12-16 [*_*]: me to noo dont like work

2004-12-16 [rocker_reject]: what kind of work?? lol

2004-12-16 [*_*]: sams club carts i get 880 an houre

2004-12-16 [rocker_reject]: that does suck but at least you have a job and get money. i don't , can't for another month when i turn 16

2004-12-16 [Prowler Wolf]: finals....started...too much stress...*dies*

2004-12-16 [RabidSphinx]: it's 5:40 here and i just got home from school

2004-12-17 [Prowler Wolf]: wow!!! what were you doing?

2004-12-17 [Lioness123]: YAY! I just finished my last final of the quarter!! *dances in joy*

2004-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i stayed after school to watch the movie "Fight Club"...awesome movie i might add...(^_^)

2004-12-17 [rocker_reject]: we have finals after x-mas break and it starts in like 3 days

2004-12-17 [Lioness123]: ...after christmas break??

2004-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: my x-mas break is 1 week long, and we go to school until x-mas eve...our midterm exams don't start till mid Januray...i found it odd that yall had them now...

2004-12-17 [rocker_reject]: yeah.....our break is 2 weeks long and we go back on jan 3

2004-12-17 [rocker_reject]: and my mid terms start with raine's

2004-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: mine is one week, we go until friday...x-mas is this not Bullshit to anyone else?

2004-12-17 [Prowler Wolf]: break here is 7 days long, from wendsday to monday, it sucks, were the only district in Colorado to have to go to school next week

2004-12-18 [rocker_reject]: i wish mine was only a week. i can't stand being at home

2004-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: i like being home...i never leave my room...litterally...if i have to pee, i wait till my blader is ready to burst...and i run to school, spend all day thinking of being back in my room and counting the hours, then i run the mile home in 10 minutes flat, and hide in my room...i don't even leave to eat when i'm home...i only eat at school...on the weekends, i don't eat...

2004-12-18 [rocker_reject]: wow! i only leave to get on the comp and few other things but i usually stay in my room

2005-01-14 [Just Look At Me Now]: i can't stay in my room, my mom's too controling. if i do ANYTHING she ha to know exactly what it is and if she ordered me to do it. And if she didn't order me to, she gets really mad. and i go the basement.

2005-01-14 [*_*]: hey all whats up

2005-01-14 [RabidSphinx]: i have to pee

2005-01-14 [Prowler Wolf]: awesome!!

2005-01-14 [*_*]: wow kool

2005-01-14 [rocker_reject]: my room is in the basement!!

2005-01-15 [RabidSphinx]: my room is cold....AND i have to pee again

2005-01-15 [*_*]: lol raine u have to go pea a lot my room i sworme u guys can come her

2005-01-15 [RabidSphinx]: lol

2005-01-15 [*_*]: lo so whats up

2005-01-15 [RabidSphinx]: making fun of [Gone4eva]...he doesn'r like bush, and i told him to go complain on a bush wiki, not the guards wiki

2005-01-15 [*_*]: ya ples lol

2005-01-26 [hello]: hehe...the bush haters hate me...hehe

2005-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: aww...thats so sad...wait, that's no loss...hahaha! screw those cunt suckers

2005-01-26 [Prowler Wolf]: me too ;)

2005-01-26 [hello]: they wont let me voice my opinion because every argument i have denotes everything they is rather funny

2005-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: making them sound like idiots? not that that is all that hard, and they are getting mad? hahaha

2005-01-26 [hello]: i make alot of people sound like idiots...but they cant stand me. they are trying to find some way to get me banned from the wiki, hehe...

2005-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: you *can't* be banned from a PUBLIC wiki...only from private

2005-01-26 [hello]: hehe...i know...

2005-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: they is stupid...(o.O)

2005-01-26 [hello]: of course they are...they hate bush...

2005-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: hehehe...exactly...(^_^)

2005-01-30 [*_*]: lol

2005-03-03 [Prowler Wolf]: soooo, hows it going everyone?

2005-03-03 [Lioness123]: ok, just got off from work, yerself?

2005-03-03 [Prowler Wolf]: good, i really need to do homework....gah, but i'm too tired

2005-03-03 [Lioness123]: I use that excuse alot myself...There's not enough hours in the day

2005-03-03 [Prowler Wolf]: haha,and some times there are to many

2005-03-03 [Lioness123]: too true

2005-03-15 [rocker_reject]: aton of my friends are angry that i am a republican! ARGH!!

2005-03-15 [Hependipherous]: Then they're morons. Although really I think choosing any one political group is just stupid. Some people have just decided "I am Republican" and they will allways vote republican... same for democrats. But the thing is, that's detrimental to the process. Vote for you who believe should get the job, reguardless of political affiliation. With that said, that is how I opperate... but rarely do I side with the democrats. But I do dissagree with republicans (and Bush) often as well... I just agree with them more than I do democrats. LOL

2005-03-16 [RabidSphinx]: i agree with republicans more often than democrats because democrats tend to be very liberal, and i'm very conservative....OH! everyone! go to Right-Winged Nut Jobs and look that the liberal and conservative chart i made! i'm sooo proud of it!

2005-03-16 [rocker_reject]: Calling yourself is saying that you agree with that political party, you are for the same things. But you can vote for the other party if you think they should have the job. Thats what my parents did, they are republican but they voted for clinton........

2005-03-16 [bluesoulsearcher]: George Washington was against political parties. He felt they would create too much divisiveness. Here's a quiz that will guage your politics not off your party but off your views:

2005-03-31 [hello]: hahahaha...can we say insta-ban??

2005-03-31 [bluesoulsearcher]: eh?

2005-03-31 [hello]: you did see what the guy did to the wiki page, didnt you?

2005-04-01 [rocker_reject]: yeah. we should report him to the guards

2005-04-02 [*Your Lady Of Sorrows*]: that is why you use passwords

2005-04-03 [Prowler Wolf]: ARGHHHH!!!!! whats with the colors!!!!! I liked the blue and grey

2005-04-03 [Prowler Wolf]: holy crap, i just noticed the page!!!! (man I'm observent) yeah, lets report him, oh wait, he's already banned..YAY!!!

2005-04-03 [*_*]:

the pope is ded yaya

2005-04-03 [Lioness123]: I just reported that guy, but I will not make it a password page. I think passwords turn off alot of would be new members

2005-04-03 [Lioness123]: [*_*], I find that VERY offensive

2005-04-03 [RabidSphinx]: too bad! the guy is finally dead

2005-04-03 [rocker_reject]: I reported him to.

2005-04-03 [RabidSphinx]: you mean the guy that deleted wikis?

2005-04-03 [*_*]: yes hey is andf its about time report me why

2005-04-04 [bluesoulsearcher]: [hello] I guess I didn't see it. I thought you were referring to me.

2005-04-04 [hello]: no, some guy deleted everything...but it has been handled now.

2005-04-04 [Lioness123]: we all can thank [1st Font] for helping me fix it :)

2005-04-04 [rocker_reject]: thank you font!

2005-04-27 [rocker_reject]: appearantly........well i'm not going to say anything to a close minded person as yourself

2005-04-27 [*_*]: hello

2005-04-28 [hello]: what?

2005-04-28 [*_*]: lol nothing hello justsaying hi man lol

2005-04-28 [hello]: o ok...

2005-04-28 [*_*]: lolw what

2005-04-28 [rocker_reject]: hi! *waves*

2005-04-28 [*_*]: hello. how are u to day ?

2005-04-28 [Razberri]: blah

2005-05-11 [tamman]: hey whats up

2005-05-19 [rocker_reject]: sick. Got a cold from my teacher and I gave it to my friend now she is wanting to give it one of our friends

2005-05-20 [Lioness123]: lol

2005-05-21 [Razberri]: HIYA!

2005-05-25 [rocker_reject]: I got my cuz sick! WHOO!

2005-06-17 [Lioness123]: how'd you do that? ;)

2005-06-17 [rocker_reject]: i was sick with a cold and i hung around her and she caught it

2005-06-18 [Lioness123]: you meanie, lol

2005-06-19 [rocker_reject]: hey! she gave it one of other friends!

2005-06-25 [The Darkness of your soul]: hi

2005-06-25 [Lioness123]: whats up

2005-06-25 [The Darkness of your soul]: nm u?

2005-06-26 [Lioness123]: just got home from work...I did alot of running around today...calves hurting me

2005-06-26 [The Darkness of your soul]: that sucks

2005-06-29 [Mnfuniuybf]: well im sure this wiki get alot of popularity! bush SUPPORTERS my god what has this world come to!?

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